Automated Sex Offender Management System

Sex Offender Management | ASOMS


*The current version of this product is not available. We are working on a new editions and updates – please give us a call for an update and estimated date of release.

ASOMS is a robust 'end to end' sex offender management system, automating the process of enforcing state and local laws mandating sex offender registration and verification. The system's customizable workflow features allow an agent to define what happens and why it happens throughout the entire registration period for a sex offender with dynamic features that include:

  • Automates activity based on rules and conditions set by local and state law.
  • Notifies all persons or places required by law when a sex offender registers his or her address within a predefined radius of their location. As an example, every school, child care center and church must be notified when a sex offender registers an address within one mile of the location.
  • Notifies the agent when certain events either take place or don't take place.
  • Victim information, crime information, all known relatives address, registered vehicle information, work information, probation and sentence information, and other sex offender information is all maintained in ASOMS.
  • Investigators can immediately access the sex offender's information form (a web page) at any crime scene and determine who their main suspects may be.
  • Amber alerts can be broadcast with compete identifying information using idSoftware's sex offender management system.
  • Web enabled solution that displays the location of offender's home and work addresses on a map. This allows investigators to look up possible suspects by finding their proximity to a crime scene. It also allows agents to bring up entire historical information on any sex offender including pictures, images of scars, marks and tattoos, work history, and vehicle information.

idSoftware's sex offender management system automates the complete workflow of an agency's process and is customizable by the agency IT staff to meet specific state and local laws. Or... idSoftware will customize an ASOMS solution for a specific jurisdiction.


Compliant with Megan's Law at State and Federal Levels

idSoftware's sex offender management system automates the process of enforcing state and federal laws that mandate sex offender registration, address verification, and ongoing monitoring. ASOMS provides detailed information on status of offenders and allows for comprehensive searches on biographical descriptions, vehicles, type of crime, arrest history or any other fields of data in your custom database. It allows law enforcement to record facial images, mug shots, descriptions of scars and tattoos as well as biometric fingerprinting. Crime scene investigators can immediately obtain accurate information about all registered sex offenders whose home address or place of employment falls within a requested distance of any crime.



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Information Technology For
High Security & Public Safety

Comprehensive Searches Background

Comprehensive Searches

ASOMS is a sex offender management system that allows law enforcement and government agencies to accomplish comprehensive searches on biographical descriptions, vehicles, type of crime and arrest history. In addition, data fields are searchable for investigative purposes, including lineups, suspect identification, related crime locations and methods.

Geographical Information System Interface

idSoftware's geographical information system interface is designed to capture, store, and manage data to be presented as spatial or geographic information for any location. This solution is configurable to match an agency's needs to visualize, question, analyze and interpret data for a better understanding of relationships, patterns and trends.

Geographical Information System Interface Background
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