Police Mobile Booking and Release System
*The current version of this product is not available. We are working on a new editions and updates – please give us a call for an update and estimated date of release.
PrintSearch Mobile was introduced in 2007 as part of idSoftware's vision of making positive identification available in mobile and wireless environments. PrintSearch Mobile incorporates all the features of the foundation product, PrintSearch. PrintSearch Mobile is delivered on a mobile handheld device, and includes a complete suite of identification-centric applications including:
- Complete Booking and Release can take place in the field using PrintSearch Mobile. For instance, in processing a misdemeanor a complete record of the arrest can be moved to the jail management system with a mug shot, 10 print fingerprints, the offense and all demographic and biographical information.
- Notice to Appear is then printed. In a felony charge, the same information can be captured in the field and sent to the jail management system and ultimately be available before the offender is transported to the jail. This unique capability provides a huge efficiency in officer time and results in the offender spending less time in holding, reducing risk to the law enforcement agent.
- No Wireless Connectivity is among the most attractive and unique capabilities of PrintSearch Mobile is the ability of using it where wireless connectivity is not available and capturing all ten fingerprints.
- Handheld Database is a PrintSearch Mobile option that can be configured to store a complete database in memory on the handheld device where no network connectivity is available. This feature provides valuable functions, such as identification of illegal aliens in extremely remote areas of the country. All captured data is stored on the device and uploaded automatically once network connectivity has been detected.
- No Identification is not a problem with fingerprint matching capabilities that provide the advantage of identifying persons who have no identification documents or claim to have no identification.
The system is an integrated mobile computer, a Motorola MC75, fingerprint scanner, digital camera, 2D barcode reader, and support of wireless communications. In addition, PrintSearch Mobile provides in-the-field mobile positive identification, for electronic ticket writing, pre-booking, and book and release, with notice to appear documents.
Disclaimer - TWIC® is a federally registered trademark owned by the Department of Homeland Security and use herein does not imply endorsement of products or services. idSoftware is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration, or any other government entity.
Turnkey Identification Management includes:
PrintSearchMobile / MugRemote
Pre booking and book and release, notice to appear system using a wireless, FIPS 201 forensic quality fingerprint scanner and proven state-of-the-art identification and booking software.
ID Citation
Electronic ticket writing software with biometric identification and GPS location.
PrintSearchMobile Rapid Identification Matcher
Providing matches in seconds for book and release offences, PrintSearch Mobile saves time by eliminating costly transport to a booking facility and additional time at the jail for both the booking and release processes. The wireless system updates all permanent records automatically providing the ability to create and complete booking information in the field using a wireless connection to the central booking application.
PrintSearch Mobile's design follows standard police procedures.
- In the field wireless book and release system.
- Positive biometric fingerprint identification integrated with a robust, custom designable and flexible citation writing program.
- Can be interfaced with court and jail management systems, printing a citation and a notice to appear and providing positive identification.
- GPS auto fill of exact location with reverse geo coding and street address.
- Fingerprint image is printed on the citation for proof of identity.
- The system can store images of the scene and or the person to be used in the court case and may also be printed on the citation.
- In the field wireless book and release system.
PrintSearch Mobile is designed to save time, both when the ticket is written and when it's processed by the courts increasing accuracy and reducing paperwork. Both the electronic ticket and the notice to appear forms are custom designed to meet the requirements of the agency and typically use the same format of the agencies current paper form.
PrintSearch Mobile
City and county revenues are increased through a reduction in unusable tickets due to manual errors on paper tickets. The reduced use of paper products and the elimination of manual data entry at ticket processing points further cut operating costs.
- Shortens the time it takes to issue a citation
- Eliminates errors that plague hand-written citations.
- Keeps officers safer by reducing stop times.
- Eliminates redundancy of recording the citation.
- Eliminates ineligibility of citations when brought to trial.
- Eliminates time spent by officers, clerks, courts, and the DMV consolidating records.
- Integrates with your existing case management system for fully automating the process from ticket issuance to prosecution.
- Rapid I.D. and background check for potentially dangerous individuals.
In addition, the officer will know if this suspect has been cited previously for the same incident of no identification or giving a false name and address information.
Other System Features
The system allows for entering multiple violations and captures the driver's signature on the handheld, all in a matter of seconds. The system reads the barcodes on driver's licenses or registration cards and vehicle VIN plate to automatically fill in the ticket form. The fingerprint positive identification verifies that the identification presented belongs to the person holding it. If no driver's license or registration card is available the form can be automatically filled by fingerprinting the person and retrieving information from past citation records or the form can be filled in manually using the QWERTY keyboard.
- Positive Identification. The fingerprint scan, which can be submitted to multiple databases - local city or county, regional for surrounding counties, state, or FBI RISC. (Repository for Individuals of Special Concern)
- Biometric identification provides positive identification confirming: the person holding the driver's license is actually the person who should be holding the driver's license; outstanding warrants and criminal history
- Positive fingerprint identification saves the officer countless hours of time by not having to transport the suspect to a police station to verify his or her identity.
- PrintSearch Mobile automatically checks the person's license status or vehicle registration, checks for wants and warrants, provides past arrest information including mugshot pictures, scars, marks, and tattoos and complete criminal history. All in a matter of seconds, the intuitive design of the software uses dropdown menus including city, county, and state criminal codes.
- The software incorporates a database of both local and state statutes. When the officer selects the violation, the software automatically fills in the state code number, the correct legal language (e.g., 803.540, Failure to yield right away). As with the driver's license and vehicle information, auto-filling the citation details improves both speed and accuracy.
- When the citation is complete, the officer prints a hard copy for the driver using a Bluetooth-enabled mobile printer. The system sends the citation data wirelessly from the handheld to servers for both the Police Department and the courts. This reduces paperwork, eliminates double data entry, and makes the citation data readily available.
- From the data collected, the system allows creation of multiple level reports as well as compiling statistics that reflect enforcement activity in a specific area or time period or violation.
Designed to eliminate overhead and to improve productivity, PrintSearch Mobile significantly reduces costs and increases revenue, keeping officers, clerks, prosecutors and courts current with real time positive information. PrintSearch Mobile is a turnkey solution - customized to your exact needs.